Fall is a transitional period and for most people it’s a season to take a break from their routine landscape maintenance – the exact opposite of what should be happening.
A healthy landscape in the spring needs proper care in fall. It requires regular aeration and watering. To encourage appropriate plant development, you need to set significant root growth routines. Consistent watering with a professional irrigation system can determine if your plants make it through the fall.
If you are already using Landscape Professionals of Texas services, inquire about our add-on sprinkler installation and sprinkler repair services in Dallas. Watering is essential, but so are other fall landscape maintenance tips.
Aerate the Soil
Compact soil full of roots and debris can affect the growth of healthy plants. Plants need water, air, and nutrients to flourish. They need the proper circulation of nutrients to withstand extreme weather. With compact soil, it is difficult for essential elements to move around the plant. This improper flow leads to a slow or a complete lack of growth, resulting in the death of plants.
Loosening the soil at the start of the fall allows plants to survive cold seasons. Aeration encourages the growth of a robust root system. It ensures plants utilize all underground nutrients. Aeration also helps amend the soil in areas where heavy clay soil is present.
Water the Lawn
It’s common for people to forget about watering their lawn in fall. The reduced evaporation creates an illusion of ground with sufficient moisture. But even with the little extra rain, most roots may be struggling to get enough moisture, especially in places where regular watering is the norm.
To avoid damage to the root system plants require enough water. They also need water for consistent development through the fall and winter weather. A well-watered plant, with well-developed roots can withstand even the most extreme of temperature changes.
Proper Fertilizing
Lawns require vital nutrients to thrive. The natural ground offers nutrients, but it is never enough for growing plants. That’s why fertilizing is essential.
Fertilizing, like aeration and watering, encourages healthy root growth. Every plant needs strong roots in winter when their stability is at risk. Since little to no fertilizing takes place in the winter, the process is set for fall when the weather is favorable.
Consider How You Mow
Grass continues to grow until the start of hard frost. However, growth can be affected if the grass is cut too long or too short. It’s essential to avoid over-mowing or under-mowing grass during fall.
Over mowing can lead to root damage when hard frost begins. Whereas under-mowing can expose the grass to fungi and molds when the cold season starts. Therefore, maintaining the right length of the grass is crucial. Keep it at a range of up to 3 inches until the end of fall or start of hard frost.
Prioritize Pest Control
Even in fall, some pests still stay on the lawn. They enjoy the food and security of an aerated and well-watered lawn. Therefore, prioritizing pest management is as important in fall as in any other season. Pest management maintains an attractive landscape by preventing loss of plants as the weather changes.
Your fall landscape maintenance tips can be a success with the helping hand of a professional. You need a team that is committed to your landscape in fall as in any other season.
Whether you are looking to aerate your soil or irrigate your lawn, Landscape Professionals of Texas is here to help. Contact us for your commercial landscape maintenance needs.